Took pics of these stickers and stored them in a ziplock case lol.
Taken with siddy when I was in sg. And so chef sid said he cooked his first egg today in Chicago LOL
Classmates: Two taiwaneses, two koreans. Nicest koreans i ever known.
This must be taken in shinjuku since it says "it's shinjuku" on it lol. I miss my golden hair and my head looks so big here…
This was with family at osaka. Love the sexy lips and moles.
With two korean classmates when we went for thai food. One of them is very princessy. Annoying :x
Okay, got other purikura photos but bit nsfw lol. Not showing!
why got purikura that's NSFW??
ReplyDeletewhy no reply? :(
ReplyDeletei didnt get notification until now. kissing :z